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Top Actions + Events

4 Easy Actions + Why They Matter

  • The New Hampshire House and Senate allow you to “sign in” to show your support or opposition for a piece of legislation. This is a quick and easy way to let your elected leaders know what you think and how you want them to vote.

  • Submitting written testimony to a House or Senate committee hearing is one of strongest ways to ensure committee members understand how their choices on a piece of legislation affect Granite Staters. You can submit testimony online and email to members of the committee.

  • One of the most powerful ways to advocate for the things you care about is by showing up at a hearing and sharing your story and experience through testimony directly to decision makers.

  • One of the easiest ways to use your voice is by amplifying a message on social media. Share an article or letter to the editor, and be sure to tag your elected leaders!

    Follow us @603Forward on all social media platforms.

We’re here to help.

What’s your story? Are you passionate about social or economic justice for your community? Do you want to help your family, friends and neighbors?

We’re here to help you speak up on issues that matter most and learn about serving in public office to make New Hampshire the best place for young adults and families to thrive.

We’re building the next generation of leadership in New Hampshire.