HB1569 denies eligible voters the right to register to vote unless they have documents proving identity, age, domicile (address) and citizenship. To prove citizenship, voters would have to provide either a passport, birth certificate, or naturalization papers. HB1569 is heading to Gov. Sununu’s desk.

2 ways to take action:

1) call the Governor

2) email the Governor

Why HB1569 needs to be vetoed:

 If passed, HB1569 would require some document to be provided every time someone registers to vote – even if they are updating their registration with a new address, or had been removed from the voter rolls because they did not vote for multiple elections. This bill could impact any voter who is unknowingly removed from the voter rolls, and therefore doesn’t bring all of their documents with them to vote, and especially voters who do not have easy access to their birth certificate or passport.

Currently, when registering to vote, voters are asked for proof of identity, age, domicile, and citizenship. If they are registering and lack documentation for age, domicile, and citizenship, they are able to sign an affidavit, then register and cast a ballot. This system has been shown to be safe and secure time and again. 

This voter suppression law could cost any voter their right to register and vote in an election 

HB1569 is extreme, going so far as to remove the only fail safe process Granite Staters have to ensure their right to vote if they don’t have or forgot documents to register.

Officials of both parties and at every level of Government in NH have reiterated that our New Hampshire elections are safe, secure, and free of widespread voter fraud: