Allow More Homes Near Jobs
HB631 would allow multifamily housing and mixed-use development (with housing) to be built in commercial zones.
Allowing more homes to be built in commercial zones would help ensure workers in our communities can find homes near their employment, addressing a critical need across New Hampshire.
Today, people who serve our communities - like teachers, child care workers, and service and retail workers - can’t find homes they can afford in the places they serve. To create shorter commutes and more affordable places to live for local workers that our communities rely on, and help business owners find local workers, New Hampshire should allow more homes to be built in commercial zones. HB 631-FN would allow multifamily housing and mixed-use development (with housing) to be built in commercial zones. This will allow property owners to build more homes near employment centers, stores and restaurants, and other important amenities.
HB 631-FN will help to address New Hampshire’s challenges to our quality of life and the cost of living here. The bill addresses major challenges facing our state today:
Eases the housing shortage by allowing more homes to be built
Brings housing costs down by enabling supply to meet demand
Eases traffic and commutes by placing more homes closer to jobs
Gives opportunity to property owners by liberating them to use their land to its highest economic value.
Building more homes in commercial corridors is an important step towards meeting the housing needs of New Hampshire residents. Many young people, families just starting out, and workers need homes that are more affordable and located closer to employment centers.
Underutilized commercial spaces
Many New Hampshire communities have underutilized commercial spaces, whether they are underused strip malls or empty office buildings. This bill allows the market to determine where there is an opportunity to redevelop a property and allow more homes, while supporting employers, businesses, workers, and communities.
Combining homes and commercial spaces
Mixed use housing would allow the development of commercial spaces alongside housing. Most commonly, these buildings allow retail or other businesses on the ground floor, with housing above, creating a built in customer base for local businesses, and helping to create livable, walkable communities. Mixed use housing and commercial spaces are key to revitalizing downtowns and small commercial corridors in neighborhoods.