Run For Office 101: Town Elections
Wednesday, January 15th @ 7pm | ZOOM (RSVP for link)
New Hampshire’s next critical election season is upon us! Every year, every town in New Hampshire has its own town election where important offices like Select Boards and Town Councils, School Boards and Library Trustees, and Planning and Zoning Boards are elected.
Whether you want to see a change at the local level, advocate for an issue you are passionate about, or simply want to stand up for your community, consider running for a local office in 2025!
Join 603 Forward on Wednesday, January 15th at 7 PM for "Run for Office 101: Town Elections."
We’ll walk you through the different offices you can run for (there are literally more than a thousand up for election across the state), explain what exactly a “Town Meeting” is, introduce you to a panel of inspiring young elected leaders, and share some best practices for running office.
Change starts at the local level. So what’s holding you back? The 603 Forward community is here to support you. Sign up to receive Zoom information and take your first steps toward serving your community.
Questions? Contact Beck at